The Central Denmark Region collaborates with 24 district heating companies in the REFER-CDR project, where we are working with a more environmental- and climate friendly heat production combined with a cheaper product to the plants' customers.

Skals combined heat and power plant (CHP plant) is one collaborators in REFER-CDR, and they have, as one of the first, completed a project where they have undertaken a green transition from natural gas to biogas.

Partnership and knowledge-sharing are keywords in the cooperation and the chairman of Skals CHP plant have stated: "In the end it benefits all heat consumers in Skals. But there is also another important point, and that is, that we through the project has had great feedback from the other participating companies. One can say, that we have established a large group of experienceed people with the exact similar challenges that we face." (Quote translated form the article 'Samarbejde holder prisen lav og varmen grøn fra Fjernvarmen'). 

The plant has had counseling in pipeline from farm biogas-system to the plant and counseling for engine replacement in the plant.

Fact box

  • Consumer economy – cost-reduction pr. consumer DKK 5.353 incl. VAT
  • Socio-economic cost-reduction over 20 years is DKK 31 mio.
  • Annually energy-reduction is 1860 MWh
  • Annually production of renewable energy is 25.390 MWh
  • Annually CO2-reduction is 4244 ton

Skals Kraftvarmeværk